

Les travaux des chercheuses et chercheurs de la Chaire Aging UP! sont publiés dans des revues scientifiques à comité de lecture de premier rang (Health Economics, Medical Care, Social Science and Medicine, JAMA open etc.), des chapitres d’ouvrages et des rapports de recherche.

Nous vous présentons un extrait des publications les plus récentes de  2019 à 2023. Vous trouverez dans chaque profil des membres de l’équipe, la liste la totalité des publications.


A venir en 2024


Cheneau, A., Rapp, T. A new approach for assessing the value of informal care in Alzheimer’s disease. Value in Health, à paraître. CNRS 2.


Banaszak-Holl, J., McHugh, J., Rapp, T. Economic and social barriers to accessing long-term care services and policies across countries. in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Global Public Health.


Yang Y, Lee AR, Rapp T, Chen R, M. Glymour M, Torres JM. State home and community-based services expenditures and unmet care needs in the United States: Has everyone benefitted equally? Forthcoming 2024 in Health Services Research, (CNRS rang 2 HCERES A).




Blavet, T.  How Can the Additional Cost Due to Disability Be Taken Into Account When Measuring the Standard of Living of Households in France? Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics, 542, 37-55. doi: 10.24187/ecostate.2024.542.2110, (CNRS 3 ; HCERES B)


Yang YLee A-RPortacolone ERapp TTorres JMState home- and community-based services spending and unmet care needs by living arrangements and cognitive impairment statusJ Am Geriatr Soc202413. doi:10.1111/jgs.19088.




Bell-Aldeghi R, Gibrat B, Rapp T, Chauvin P, Guern ML, Billaudeau N, Ould-Kaci K, Sevilla-Dedieu C. Determinants of the Cost-Effectiveness of Telemedicine: Systematic Screening and Quantitative Analysis of the Literature. Telemed J E Health. 2023 Jul 29(7):1078-1087, doi: 10.1089/tmj.2022.0161, Epub 2022 Dec 9. PMID: 36493368.


Blavet, T. (2023), 9,3 millions de personnes déclarent apporter une aide régulière à un proche en situation de handicap ou de perte d’autonomie en 2021, DREES, Études et Résultats, 1255.


Blavet, T., Caenen, Y. (2023), Les proches aidants : une population hétérogène. Proposition de grille d’analyse pour rendre compte de la diversité des situations des proches aidants de personnes vivant à domicile et cerner celles dont le vécu est le plus difficile, DREES, Les Dossiers de la DREES, 110.


Blavet, T., Caenen, Y., Guedj, H & Roy, D. (2023), Modes de garde et d’accueil des jeunes enfants handicapés : les parents en première ligne, DREES, Études et Résultats, 1286.


Blavet, T., Ouellette, P. & Vigeant, S. (2023), Alpha Returns to Scale with quasi-fixed inputs: An application to Quebec Hospitals. Applied Economics, 55:58, 6922-6938,, (CNRS rang 2 HCERES A).


Cheneau, A., Pélissier, A., Bussière, C., Foudrignier, M. La place des parents-aidants dans le parcours diagnostique de leur enfant atteint de maladie rare. Résultats d’une enquête qualitative, Économie Appliquée, 2023, n°1, (CNRS rang 4. HCERES C).


Mounie M, Fabre D, Rapp T, Rolland Y, Blain H, Tchalla A, Carcaillon-Bentata L, Beltzer N, Assous L, Apparitio S, Caby D, Reina N, Andre L, Molinier L, Costa N. Costs and Survival of Patients having Experienced a Hospitalized Fall-Related Injury in France: A Population-Based Study. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2023 Jul;24(7):951-957.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2023.02.005. Epub 2023 Mar 16. PMID: 36934774.


Rapp T, Jena AB, Costa-Font J, Grabowski DC. Caregiving across generations: Do older adults with more grandchildren get another bite at the “sandwich” generation? Soc Sci Med. 2023 Oct;334:116199. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.116199, Epub 2023 Aug 30. PMID: 37690157, (CNRS rang 1 HCERES A).


Rapp T, Sicsic J, Ronchetti J, Cicchetti A; SPRINTT consortium. Preventing autonomy loss with multicomponent geriatric interventions: A resource-saving strategy? Evidence from the SPRINT-T study. SSM Popul Health. 2023 Oct 5;24:101507. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2023.101507, PMID: 37860705; PMCID: PMC10582469, (CNRS rang 1 HCERES A).


Rapp T, Sicsic J, Tavassoli N, Rolland Y. Do not PIMP my nursing home ride! The impact of Potentially Inappropriate Medications Prescribing on residents’ emergency care use. Eur J Health Econ. 2023 Sep;24(7):1085-1100, doi: 10.1007/s10198-022-01534-x. Epub 2022 Oct 21. PMID: 36271304, (CNRS rang 2 HCERES A).


Sicsic, J., Ronchetti, J., Rapp, T. (2023). Le bien-vieillir en France et dans les pays de l’OCDE. Une analyse à partir d’une nouvelle mesure d’âge physiologique, Médecine et Sciences 2023 ; 39.





Cheneau, A., Simonnet V. Care use by the disabled: Are professional and informal care substitutes? Annals of Economics and Statistics, 2022, n°148, p.109-140,, (CNRS 2, HCERES A).


Cheneau, A., Fargeon, V. (2022). La construction d’une politique de soutien aux aidants en France. Un éclairage par analyse textuelle de la presse quotidienne, Politiques et Management Public, 2022, n°2 (2),, (CNRS rang 4, HCERES C).


Portacolone E, Torres JM, Johnson JK, Benton D, Rapp T, Tran T, Martinez P, Graham C. The Living Alone with Cognitive Impairment Project’s Policy Advisory Group on Long-Term Services and Supports: Setting a Research Equity Agenda. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 May 16;19(10):6021, doi: 10.3390/ijerph19106021, PMID: 35627558; PMCID: PMC9141001.


Rapp, T., David-Bertrand, A. Sicsic, J. (2022), Dépendance : quel bilan du quinquennat ? Tribunes de la Santé; 2022/1 (Numéro 71)


Rapp T, Ronchetti J, Sicsic J. Impact of formal care consumption on informal care use in Europe: What is happening at the beginning of dependency? Health Policy. 2022 Jul;126(7):632-642. doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2022.04.007, Epub 2022 Apr 22. PMID: 35501205, (CNRS rang 2, HCERES A).


Rapp T, Ronchetti J, Sicsic J. Where Are Populations Aging Better? A Global Comparison of Healthy Aging Across Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Countries. Value Health. 2022 Sep;25(9):1520-1527, doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2022.05.007. Epub 2022 Jun 13. PMID: 35710893, (CNRS rang 2 HCERES A).


Rapp T, Sicsic J, Tavassoli N, Rolland Y. Do not PIMP my nursing home ride! The impact of Potentially Inappropriate Medications Prescribing on residents’ emergency care use, Eur J Health Econ. 2023 Sep;24(7):1085-1100. doi: 10.1007/s10198-022-01534-x, Epub 2022 Oct 21. PMID: 36271304, (CNRS rang 2 HCERES A).


Rapp, T. Whicher, D (2022), The Value of Artificial Intelligence for Health Care Decision Making – Lessons learned from a Value in Health themed section, Value in Health, 25(3):328–330, (CNRS rang 2 HCERES A).






Costa, N, Mounié, M, Pagès, A, Derumeaux, H, Rapp, T, Guyonnet, S, Coley, N, Cantet, C, Carrié, I, Andrieu, S, Molinier, L. (2021). The cost-effectiveness of three prevention strategies in Alzheimer’s disease: results from the multidomain alzheimer preventive trial (MAPT), The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease. 8(4):425-435.


Dedet, G.; Kraepiel, L.; Rapp, T. (2021) Résilience des systèmes de santé européens à la crise de la Covid-19, Tribunes de la Sante ; 68(2):73-83, 2021.


McHugh, JRapp, T. Motamasur, S., Mor, V. (2021). Higher Hospital Referral Concentration Associated with Lower Risk Patients in Skilled Nursing Facilities, Health Services Research., Oct;56(5):839-846, (CNRS rang 2 HCERES A).


Rapp, T., Ronchetti, J., Sicsic, J. (2021). Are long-term care jobs harmful? Evidence from Germany, The European Journal of Health Economics. Apr;22(3):405-423, (CNRS rang 2 HCERES A).


Rapp, T., Swartz, K. (2021). Implementing value-based aging in our long-term care systems, Value and Outcomes Spotlight. July/August 2021.


Roquebert, Q., Sicsic, J.Rapp, T. (2021), Health measures and long-term care use in the European frail population, European Journal of Health Economics Apr;22(3):405-423, (CNRS rang 2 HCERES A).


Roquebert, Q., Sicsic, J., Rapp, T. (2021), Health measures and long-term care use in the European frail population, European Journal of Health Economics Apr;22(3):405-423, (CNRS rang 2 HCERES A).


Sicsic, J., Roquebert, Q., Sirven, N., Santos Eggiman, B., Rapp, T. (2021). Frailty, sarcopenia, and long-term care utilization in older populations: a systematic review. 10(3):272-280, Journal of Frailty and Ageing.





Bussière, C. Sirven, N, Rapp T, Sevilla Dedieu C (2020). Adherence to medical follow-up recommendations reduces hospital admissions: Evidence from diabetic patients in France, Health Economics. Apr;29(4):508-522, (CNRS rang 1 HCERES A).


Chauvin, P, Bellanger, M, Rapp, T., Sirven N (2020). Heterogeneity in Drug Recommendation Compliance: Evidence from France of a Gender Bias in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Patients, Journal de gestion et d’économie de la santé, 2020/2 (2), Pages 93-109, (CNRS rang 4 HCERES C).


Rapp, T., Sicsic, J. (2020). The contribution of the immigrant population to the US long-term care workforce, Social Science and Medicine Volume 263, October 2020, (CNRS rang 1 HCERES A).


Rapp, T., Sicsic, J. (2020), The contribution of the immigrant population to the US long-term care workforce, Social Science and Medicine Volume 263, October 2020, (CNRS rang 1 HCERES A).


Rolland, Y, Neda Tavassoli, N, Souto Barreto, P, Perrin, A, Laffon de Mazières, C. Rapp, T, Hermabessière, S. Tournay, E, Vellas, B, Andrieu, Systematic dementia screening by multidisciplinary team meetings in nursing homes for reducing emergency department transfers: the IDEM cluster-randomised controlled trial, JAMA network Open 2020;3(2) pp1-13.


Sicsic, J., Rapp, T., Ravesteijn, B. (2020). Are frail elderly people in Europe high-need subjects? First evidence from the SPRINTT data, Health Policy Volume 124, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 865-872, (CNRS rang 2 HCERES A).


Sirven, N. Dumontet, M. Rapp, T. (2020). The Dynamics of Frailty and Change in Socio-Economic Conditions: Evidence for the 65+ in Europe, European Journal of Public Health Volume 30, Issue 4, August 2020, Pages 715–719, (CNRS rang 3 HCERES B).





Cheneau, A., Diversité des formes d’aide et des répercussions de l’aide sur les aidants, Revue Française des affaires sociales, 2019, p. 91-113.


Cheneau, A., Effets du temps partiel sur la conciliation des temps sociaux des aidants, Economie et Prévision, 2019, n°216 (2),, (CNRS rang 3, HCERES B).


Sicsic, J, Rapp, T. (2019). Frailty transitions and healthcare use in Europe. New evidence from SHARE data, Health Services Research, 54(6), 1147-1365, (CNRS rang 2 HCERES A).

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